Welcome to your 5-10-15 minutes yoga challenge!
Plug any of these sequences into your day. Each video has a 5 minute, 10 minute or 15 minute option.
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You don't like plank? Well, plank likes you. Take a chance on some arm and core strength. The first 5 minutes offers shoulder stretches, weighted or unweighted oppositional reach, and a forearm plank. The next 5 includes shoulder shrugs, weighted cat/cow, wrist releases, and knee plank. The last five stretches hip flexors, gives you spinal rotation, a weighted triceps challenge, plank and side plank.
Bring a set of light weights to brighten your connection to your core. The first 5 minutes guides you through weighted shoulder movements, a weighted roll down and and cat/cow with weights. The next five gives you a new perspective on rotation, and rotator cuff connection. And the last five helps with bridge and standing warrior 1.
Your first five minutes will be spent in relaxing hip stretches. Then we transition to spinal movement and challenging the glutes. The last five minutes is all about outer hip muscles. It's a fun challenge for strength and more fluid movement of the hips.
After a quick low back release, I guide you through counted breathing. For the next 5 minutes we practice alternate nostril breath, and then the last 5 minute is...you guessed it...more breathing. This is a fantastic bed-time routine or anytime you need to reset your nervous system routine.
Need to move? Get out of your head? Let me guide you through 5, 10, or 15 minutes of sun salutes. The sequence is the same throughout, so you don't have to learn new moves, just repeat the ones you know. Expect to increase your heart-rate and to gradually work out the kinks in your body through repetition.
Give yourself some slack, no really, your body needs slack now and then, by stretching your legs up a wall. Any wall will do. The first 5 minutes takes you through breathing, arm movements, and an inner leg stretch. Then we move on to more inner leg stretching and back of the hip stretching. The last 5 is about rotation and resting with legs up the wall. I swear it won't feel like you are doing much of anything, but it's something our bodies crave.
This is a hands-free standing only practice. You need a mat, a blanket if you have one, and a yoga block or a stack of books. The sequence progress from mild to medium to spicy for the legs and hips. It might end up being one of your favorite balance routines.